Teacher Guide

Naviance Succeed is the premier student success planning solution for schools and school districts. Naviance Succeed is a complete solution that provides support and guidance to students, families and school staff to promote student achievement and post-secondary success.
Below you will find resources to help you navigate through and learn the Naviance system and how to best implement this program in your classes with your students.
Below is a video tutorial on how to log into Naviance as a teacher! For the pdf download please click below.

Teacher Letter of Recommendation Process

Below is a tutorial on how to upload Letters of Recommendation to Naviance

For the Naviance Teacher Training Manuel click below!

Focus on Teacher Strengths to Help Students Succeed

The more we study, evaluate, and implement changes to the U.S. education system, the more we learn about what works and what doesn’t work. But there is one constant: We know that teachers have a direct effect on student achievement. For the rest of ths article please click here.