ACE Academy






Mission Statement


ACE Academy will provide a technology-based and individualized learning environment that engages students and supports student growth toward graduation and a career pathway.  


Goals and Objectives

ACE Academy can be described as a innovative program designed to provide opportunities for students who do not succeed in the traditional classroom setting to obtain academic credit, career exploration activities, and CTE work experience in a setting where encouraging student-teacher relationships lead to the ultimate goal of assisting our students toward obtaining a diploma or industry credential.  


  • Instructional—To increase the graduation rate by providing a non-traditional instructional program that will keep at-risk students in school while successfully completing their coursework. 
  • Behavioral --  ACE Academy students will demonstrate a decline in office referrals
  • Attendance – To increase the attendance rate of at-risk students
  • Social/Emotional – To increase the social/emotional well being of ACE Academy



At ACE Academy, the curriculum is geared to the individual needs of the student.  High school students working toward a state high school diploma may earn Carnegie units via the use of the online platform, Edgenuity.  High school students not working toward their diploma are taught using a blend of direct instruction, project-based learning, and online instruction.  Middle School students will work on required grade level courses for academic completion.


Special Education Services

Students’ services are developed in an individualized manner, depending upon their strengths and needs.  For students with disabilities, special education services are provided as written on students’ Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).  These plans are developed yearly within IEP team meetings.  Each special education student is assigned a case manager who coordinates special education services for that student. Parents may request an IEP meeting at any time.


Health and Medication

 For student safety, the following procedures must be followed regarding any student medications kept within the school building: 

  • Written permission from the parent or legal guardian for each medication is required and must be maintained in the health room. (Check with school nurse for appropriate permission for medication form)
  • The parent must provide all medications in individually labeled bottles that include the student’s name, date, medication, dosage strength, and directions for use.( Medications must be in the original container with pharmacy label  or the original over –the-counter container)
  • Written Authorization by the attending physician is required for long term use.(Written Authorization from attending physician is required for any prescribed  medication, regardless of duration)
  • All medication will be returned to the parent or destroyed if unclaimed at the end of the school year.
  • Parents and/or guardians are expected to notify Bridge Academy of all allergies. 

Behavior Level System

A point and level system has been developed and implemented at ACE Academy for the purpose of assisting students in the monitoring and control of their own behavior. Through this system, students work to earn privileges as well as transition back to their home schools. The level system is based on the student’s ability to earn points for appropriate behavior. Appropriate behavior is defined as follows:

  • Participating in classroom and school activities
  • Being on time to class and school
  • Completing assigned tasks
  • Not interfering with staff in the performance of assigned duties
  • Following adult directions on first request
  • Respecting others (peers and adults)
  • Using appropriate language
  • Any other behavior which is unique for specific student (targeted behaviors)
  • Returning the sheet daily to their teacher signed by the parent
  • Adhering to dress code for ACE Academy


Point Sheets

Students earn points by following school rules and completing assignments. These points may be used to participate in special rewards, privileges and opportunities.


The top part of the point sheet will be given to students to take home at the end of the day and returned the next day with the signature of a parent or guardian.  Point sheets are used to communicate daily with parents on how their student has done throughout their day.  They document their current level on the leveling system in both the high and middle school programs. Parents can write any questions/concerns on these sheets as well.  These points sheets are also valuable documentation when home schools are being asked to allow a student to return to their home school setting from Bridge. 


Level System

Students begin on Level 1 (red) and proceed to the next level through daily percentages and multiple-day averages. Daily percentages are determined by dividing the number of points earned by the total number of points possible. This results in a daily percentage (1-100). Multiple-day averages are determined by adding the total number of daily percentages and dividing it by the total number of days. See below for level system progression:


  • Level 1 (Red): One day with an average of 65 or higher
  • Level 2 (Pink): Four days with an average of 75 or higher
  • Level 3 (Green): Five days with an average of 80 higher
  • Another five days with an average of 85 or higher
  • Level 4 (Yellow): Twenty days with an average of 90 or higher (average every 5 days)
  • Level 5 (Blue): Indefinite as long the average is 95 or higher (average every 5 days)

Transitions will be discussed with school officials and/or agencies based upon each student’s needs.  For students with disabilities, these decisions will be made as a part of an IEP team decision, or staff meeting.


For More Information contact:

Joshua Bacchus, Program Director

(864) 260-5160